Happiness is NOW

Happiness is NOW

Why do you think Marie Kondo, a world renowned organizing consultant, associated decluttering with our sense of happiness? Let me count the ways on what clutter does to us:

... causes stress
... is paralyzing
... wastes time
... is unhealthy

Whether it be our hearts, minds, bodies and souls, nor the stuff that we own, cleansing and organizing gives us the serenity to do what really matters.
  • Declutter our Hearts: surround ourselves with people who brings out the best in us. People who love and support would always want us to be the best of whatever we are.
  • Declutter our Minds: get rid of the negativity that lives in our hearts. Look forward to the future, live in the present but never forget the lessons from the past.
  • Declutter our Bodies: as cliche as it is, health is wealth. Take carebof ourselves; eat a balanced meal, drink lots of water, exercise regularly and get a good night's sleep.
  • Declutter our Souls: definitely not the easiest thing to do. Find it in our hearts to forgive after all our Lord is just and merciful. Start seeing the goodness in people because God is good all the time and we are all created in His likeness. If we stop thinking too much and start feeling our love for ourselves and for the world, surely, the world will be a better place to live in.
Decluttering our Stuff

Reflecting on the life I have lived in the last 40+ years, I realized that true happiness is in living minimally driven by our needs and not by our wants. A work in progress, that I know I am, I do my best in keeping things simple without any fuzz and clutter.
