Language of Love
When my son was first diagnosed with Classic Autism and I was made to understand that he is going to be non-verbal, my initial question was "how am I going to communicate with him?". Thanks to his therapists who helped me know how to communicate with him. He may not be able to talk but he can do hand tagging and pointing. Eventually, as I get to know my son's preferences over time, I started to understand what his actions are trying to tell me.
Will these be enough? Does he actually know how much I love him? These questions led me to learning about the language of love.
At that time, little did i know that every person has his own language of love. I am listing them down and hope you find them helpful as you express your love to people who are important to you:
- Words of Affirmation: use of words to affirm people. When my daughter is younger, she went home from school with a star on her hand. When I got to see that, I gave her a chocolate bar as a reward. I thought I made myself clear that I was happy with her achievement until she asked me after a few hours if I am proud of her. I said yes and asked why did you ask? She said I did not hear anything from you despite me showing you the star. From that moment on, I knew her lanaguage of love is words of affirmation. From then on, I started to be more expressive with her telling her how much I love her, how much I am proud of her.
- Acts of Service: actions speak louder than words. Most of us Filipinos, I believe, fall in this category because this is the very concept of courtship where a guy serves the entire family to win over the heart of the gal.
- Receiving Gifts: what makes them feel loved is receiving a gift. The amount is not what matters but it is the thought of giving the gift that counts.
- Quality Time: this is all about giving the other person your attention. With the fast paced world we all are in and with the various distractions there is (such as gadgets, social media, etc.), this is the hardest among the language of love. Undivided attention is what matters to the other person and any distraction may convey that they are loved less.
- Physical Touch: nothing speaks more deeply than appropriate touch. This is my son's language of love. He longs for hugs and kisses.
There is a quiz should you be interested in knowing your language of love. I am sharing a link to the quiz below.
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