Make the Most of our Time

Just six weeks ago, a lot of us has been racing against time, doing so many things with so little time. Many have been complaining about work life balance and having limited time with family. When the Global COVID-19 Crisis came and we all have been asked to Stay-at-Home, we all are now singing a different tune. I am getting bored at home. I don't have anything to do. I want to be able to freely roam around the city again.

More than the freedom to go out, some professionals have gone out of income as well. Lucky are those who just have pay cuts due to business loss. The luckiest are those who are earning the same amount while working from home. Let us all be grateful for we are all conquering this crisis together.

For those who are feeling low about what's happening around us, I know that it is not going to be easy to have a positive mindset. Easy or not, we have to. "A positive mind finds opportunity in everything." Here are just a few ways on how we can make the most out of our time at home.

Engage in Skill Building Activities

Always be a better person than you are yesterday. Never stop learning. There are a lot of free online courses available to take now that we have the time to take them.

Immerse in New Hobbies

There are just so many things we can do and try. You may want to use this time to learn to bake/cook, explore blogging/vlogging, read a book you have been wanting to finish, solve puzzles, learn to play a musical instrument, try gardening, and a whole lot of other activities of your interest.

Prioritize rest and relaxation. 

Take care of our bodies, minds, hearts and souls.
  • Caring for the Body: our only way to fight this battle is to strengthen our bodies to be able to win over the virus. The time off will give us an opportunity to engage in additional exercises i.e. Online Zumba Classes, Playing Just Dance on XBOX, etc. Engage in physical activities that is enjoyable and you have not been able to do.
  • Caring for the Mind: let us practice mindful meditation. This will clear our minds from the stress in this time of crisis. There are relaxation exercises that will help us keep calm. Do not underestimate the power of affirmation. Start appreciating and be more kind to ourselves.
  • Caring for the Heart: social distancing is not enough. It is more appropriate to be “socializing at a distance”. Connect with people who are important to you. Use the power of technology to nurture your relationships. Connect with your friends and hold a Virtual Spa Party, play Fortnite together or have a Netflix Movie/Series Marathon with the family.
  • Caring for the Soul: trust in a higher power. We can remain at ease if we know that we will not be given these challenges if we were not ready for them.
For those who may have lost their income due to this crisis, these activities may not directly compensate to the income you may have lost. But these are some priceless activities that make these times at home more meaningful and valuable.
