
Showing posts from June, 2019

Integrating Work with Life

Integrating Work with Life Gone are the days when we go to office at 8am and leave office by 5PM do our own personal stuff, sleep and go to work again the following day. Most often, we have arrangements for doing remote work; we take calls even when we are no longer in the office; and we try to catch colleagues in different time zones. How do we now spend time with the family? The key to being in this situation is to find alternative ways of spending time with family, enjoying our me time and bonding  with friends. As they always say, different strokes for different folks, I just hope that by sharing mine, you will be inspired to work on yours. Never compromise the non-negotiables. Healthy relationships have a lot to do with compromise but that does not mean we should compromise everything. There are things that our loved ones are very passionate about and breaking them may leave a scar in their hearts that would be hard to mend especially if time is not on your side. I cal...

Language of Love

Language of Love When my son was first diagnosed with Classic Autism and I was made to understand that he is going to be non-verbal, my initial question was "how am I going to communicate with him?". Thanks to his therapists who helped me know how to communicate with him. He may not be able to talk but he can do hand tagging and pointing. Eventually, as I get to know my son's preferences over time, I started to understand what his actions are trying to tell me. Will these be enough? Does he actually know how much I love him? These questions led me to learning about the language of love. At that time, little did i know that every person has his own language of love. I am listing them down and hope you find them helpful as you express your love to people who are important to you: Words of Affirmation: use of words to affirm people. When my daughter is younger, she went home from school with a star on her hand. When I got to see...

Love Truly and Deeply

Love Truly and Deeply Among Jesus' famous words were "love your neighbors as I have loved you". We all grew up feeling the love from our families and friends. By nature, it makes us happy to love and to be loved. As the song goes, learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all. Love is truly and deeply universal. As children, we love our parents. Some had experienced puppy love. It is also believed that first love never dies. Some are lucky to have found their only love. Forever love is what we are all gunning for. Then as we became parents, we feel the unconditional love that we have for our children. I am happy and proud to have been given so much love. I had my grandaunt who has been so selfless in taking good care of me till her last breath. I have been very lucky to have a loving husband and children. I always have the support and love of my parents and brothers. Relatives, friends and godparents have helped me get to where I am today. People I respec...

Always Seize the Moment

Always Seize the Moment When I hear about seizing the moment, I only have one things in mind. These are lessons I learned from my most favorite parable, the parabñe of the talents. In life, we own nothing. Everything are resources and opportunities that God has lent us. There is no better way to appreciate them but to nurture, develop and grow. Never hold back and give it our best shot. If we truly care for people, then show how deeply we care. If we really want to give back, be generous in sharing. When we are happy, feel free to laugh. Appreciate the simplicity of life. When we love, do it unconditionally no ifs and buts. Always be positive in our words, in our minds and in everything we do. Honesty is always the best policy. Never compromise the truth for if we are honest can we earn trust. With this, I would like to share a life lesson that I always have in my heart. It is from my mother. It is what I believe has made me who I am today in every aspect of my life. It is abo...

Happiness is NOW

Happiness is NOW Why do you think  Marie Kondo , a world renowned organizing consultant, associated decluttering with our sense of happiness? Let me count the ways on what clutter does to us: ... causes stress ... is paralyzing ... wastes time ... is unhealthy Whether it be our hearts, minds, bodies and souls, nor the stuff that we own, cleansing and organizing gives us the serenity to do what really matters. Declutter our Hearts: surround ourselves with people who brings out the best in us. People who love and support would always want us to be the best of whatever we are. Declutter our Minds: get rid of the negativity that lives in our hearts. Look forward to the future, live in the present but never forget the lessons from the past. Declutter our Bodies: as cliche as it is, health is wealth. Take carebof ourselves; eat a balanced meal, drink lots of water, exercise regularly and get a good night's sleep. Declutter our Souls: definitely not the easies...